Friday 29 January 2016

Fun with Bubbles!

Some photos taken, more to come!
By the way, for your individual writing, you can talk about what you see as well, like how Edgar's bubble flew into the hall on the 2nd floor, how Angel used her hands to blow a bubble and so on. Be creative! 

Remember to:
- Leave a line each time when you write
- Leave 2 fingers' spacing when you start a paragraph 

Don't worry if you don't get it perfect the first time round, even the best writers write a few drafts before publishing a book. Enjoy writing!


Class Writing: Our Bubble Party

Our Bubble Party
          Today, we had our class bubble party. For some of us, it was the first time we made our own bubble solution.

We went to the canteen and took out all the ingredients and items we needed. We needed water, dishwashing liquid, glycerin and some food colouring.

          First, we poured 4 cups of water into a container. Then, we poured 2 cups of dishwashing liquid. Next, we mixed in 1 cup of glycerin. We also added a few drops of food colouring into our containers. We stirred the solution with our bubble wands which were made by using cable ties.

          We carried our containers and went to the parade square. There, we blew bubbles using our bubble wands. We made big bubbles and little bubbles. The bubbles were beautiful and colourful. We were happy and excited. We had a lot of fun. We hope to have a party like this again.

Written by 2 Diligence (2016)

Thursday 28 January 2016

Thursday's Updates

Dear children,

Let's go through what we did today!

We had our music lesson on steady beats, strong and weak beats. Can you remember which beat is usually the strong beat?  1, 2, 3 or 4?

Teacher Betty came to our class and we learnt more about the 'or' sound. We revised and tried to come up with more '-ble' sounds as well.

We revised our subject verb agreement and did our corrections. We went to the library to borrow books too!

By the way, I have forgotten to ask all of you to bring an apron or old t-shirt for tomorrow as we are going to have a coloured bubble experience. Bring along a jotter book too.

Mrs Soh

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Reminder: Maths TR is tomorrow

And we revised our punctuations: ! ? " "

We finished the book "New Girl in Town" and got to try the Indian drums, the tabla. 

There's no homework today as I would like you to revise for your Maths test tomorrow. Remember to go through your heuristics and Maths Test 1. 

See you soon!

Mrs Soh 

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Chinese New Year Decorations

Dear children,

Chinese New Year is coming, and we are going to take part in the classroom decoration competition! If you know how to make any Chinese New Year decorations using the red packets or with any other recycled materials, feel free to create them at home and bring to class. We will start putting up decorations from next week onwards.

These are some ideas of what you can make!

:) Mrs Soh

PAL Lesson 3

For PAL lesson today, we learnt to work together as a team while playing 'Red, Amber, Green'. We learnt the importance of following instructions especially traffic rules. Also, we learnt to trust our friends when we play the blindfold game.

We all had fun! :) Hope we can all continue to work closely together!

Mrs Soh

Using commas

Dear children,

We found out that commas can be used to separate parts of a sentence as well.

E.g. The lesson ends in a few hours.
In a few hours, the lesson ends.

This was the example used in our learning sheet 6 of our Stellar WS. We have to remember to use the capital letter at the start of the sentence and to change the capital to small letter when it is in the middle of the sentence.


Please remember that we have our Maths TR this Thursday. Do practise your sums and revise Maths Test 1, it will be something similar.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs Soh

Monday 25 January 2016

Subject Verb Agreement

Dear children,

We worked on our subject verb agreement today.

We learnt to use the 'Super S'. Singular nouns need singular verbs. So we add -s behind the verbs.

And this is the video we watched on the life cycle of a butterfly:

Friday 22 January 2016

Using a Comma before Speech

Dear children,

Can you tell what's missing in this sentence?

Dan asked "What's wrong? Are you all right?"

Yes, a comma is missing. We practised adding commas after saying words and before the speech starts.

The correct answer should be:

Dan asked, "What's wrong? Are you all right?"

Another example we used in class:

Man Min said, "Happy birthday to you!"

Let's remember that!

Mrs Soh

It's Friday!

Today we had our first assembly programme, 'Saving our Earth'.

Also, a gentle reminder that the assessment schedule was given out on Wednesday. We have our first Maths TR next Thursday (28/1).

Our class has been selected to be in the LIGHT initiative. This letter has been given out today.

See you next week!

Mrs Soh

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Big Book: A Butterfly is Born

We have read the big book, 'A Butterfly is Born'. Group member 2 has brought the small book back. Remember to bring the book back the next day so that your classmate gets a chance to read it too! Same thing, you may want to take photos of the book for your own reference. 

Some fun facts that we talked about in class:

1. Caterpillars, like all insects, actually have 6 legs.

You can see on the right, by its head, 3 pairs of black, pointy legs that it's using to grab the bud it's eating. On its abdomen, holding onto the stem, are the stumpy prolegs: four pairs in the middle and one pair by the rear end.

2. Butterflies scare off predators by using warning colours (red, yellow) and spots that look like eyes.