Wednesday 13 January 2016

Comparing Adjectives (-er)

Dear children,

Today we tackled what adjectives are in our English lesson. These are some of the examples of the different types of adjectives:

When we compare 2 things and the adjective has only 1 syllable (1 sound), we add -er to the adjective to form its comparative form. 

E.g. Man Min is taller than Elton.

We also add the word 'than' after that.

E.g. Man Min is taller than Elton.  

Sometimes, we have to double the consonant if there's only one vowel sound and the word ends with a single consonant.

big --> bigger
wet --> wetter
sad --> sadder

Watch the video for more examples, the other spelling rules will be covered in greater detail in lessons to come.

Mrs Soh

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