Thursday 31 March 2016

Today's Updates

Dear children,

Please ask your parents to download the Hopscotch app onto your iPad for our ICT lesson tomorrow.

This is how it looks like:

Also, please ask your parents to check the amount on the payment letter sent out today. Some of you had submitted the Edusave Standing Order form late and the changes might not have been made in your letter. Parents, if you find that something is amiss, please let me know. Thank you!

Mrs Soh

Past Tense

Dear children,

Click on the following links to practise forming past tense verbs!



Wednesday 30 March 2016

Good Compositions

I thought Man Min and Pooja did well for their composition writing and wanted to share them with you. For Man Min's, the story was straightforward and complete. For Pooja's, she had included details like what was in the wallet. See if you can include some of these ideas in yours when you do your corrections.

Man Min's


Monday 28 March 2016

Indefinite Pronouns

This is a story about four friends named Anybody, Everybody, Nobody, and Somebody. Try answering the questions that follow.

1. Was there work done by the four friends?
2. Why wasn’t there any accomplishment?
3. What should Everybody have done?
4. If you were one of them, what would you have done?
5. What do you think would have happened if the work had been accomplished?

Verbs that follow these pronouns...

Remember that when you see 'one' or 'body', they refer to only one, so it should be singular.

Anyone is
Someone is
Everyone is
Anybody is
Somebody is
Everybody is

Video: Funny jokes that use indefinite pronouns. Enjoy!

Mrs Soh

Thursday 24 March 2016

The Chinese Opera Game

Dear children,

Let's learn the vocabulary in this book! Click on the picture to be directed to this website where you can learn the meaning and spelling of the words! Use the 'Flashcard', 'Learn', 'Speller' and 'Test' to learn, and you can even play the games 'Scatter' and 'Space Race'. 

Hope this helps you with your homework (STELLAR WS p. 2 - 3) and your spelling test next Friday.

(Spelling list has been issued today and is now uploaded under the <Spelling List> tab)

Mrs Soh


Dear children, 

Can you remember the vowel song Teacher Betty taught us?

We went through when 'y' becomes a short vowel and long vowel.

We also learnt the difference between the short vowel 'a' and 'e' sound. Can you remember?

'a' - said with the jaw dropping
'e' - said with a smile

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Soh

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Gender of Nouns

Dear children,

Can you remember what we learnt today? We used our iPads to research on the topic of Gender of Nouns. We searched for "list of gender of nouns" on Google and used the first link we found. We managed to find most of the answers to our Grammar Workbook (p16).

Tuesday 22 March 2016

LIGHT Programme

Dear parents,

We are starting our LIGHT Programme tomorrow, please allow your child to bring their iPads to school and that they know how to unlock the iPads. iPads will be collected in the morning and locked up in the cupboard and only taken out during the lesson. The children will get back their iPads before they leave for home.

Mrs Soh

Monday 21 March 2016

Singular and Plural Nouns

Dear children,

We revised our singular and plural nouns today. We have talked about some of them but those are not all! Refer to the chart for details:

We also talked about uncountable nouns and how to write them in sentences if we want to mention the quantity of it. We used the example, 'furniture' that appeared in our workbook. 

A piece of furniture
Two pieces of furniture


Friday 11 March 2016

Holiday homework

Maths WS pg 5-9

P2 March Holiday Homework Set 1

P2 March Holiday Homework Set 2

Composition 1 Corrections (A Regretful Incident)
Composition 2

Thursday 10 March 2016

A Regretful Incident

Dear children,

I've written my version of the story for you to refer to. The underlined phrases/sentence will be helpful for other stories as well. Notice that I choose to write more of the characters' actions and expressions to show their feelings, rather than simply telling how they feel.

E.g. Compare these paired sentences:

1a) Tom was worried.
1b) Tom's face turned pale.

2a) She was angry.
2b) Her face was red with fury.

3a) She scolded the boys.
3b) She yelled, her finger jabbing the air as she spoke.

4a) The boys felt bad.
4b) The boys hung their heads in shame.

5a) The vase broke.
5b) The vase shattered into many tiny pieces.

Hope you can try to write in more detail when you rewrite your composition!


A Regretful Incident

           "Do you want to play ball? Tom asked his brother. The two boys were alone at home on a Friday afternoon. They were bored as they had finished their homework. They decided to play with their ball in the living-room. They enjoyed themselves very much.

            In the middle of their game, Tom got too excited and gave the ball a hard kick. The ball flew high into the air and it bounced onto the table.

            Crash! The vase on the table shattered into many tiny pieces. "Oh no!" Tom gasped in horror. It was their mother's favourite vase! The two brothers got very worried. "What should we do?" They looked at each other helplessly.

              Suddenly, the door creaked open. Mother was home! The moment she stepped into the room and saw the mess on the floor, she glared sternly at the boys. Her face was red with fury.

              "Who did this?" she yelled, her finger jabbing the air as she spoke. The boys hung their heads in shame. They hurriedly picked up the flowers and swept up the broken vase pieces with a broom. Mother took away their ball and locked it up in the store room.

               The brothers regretted their actions deeply. The next day, they used their savings to buy a new vase to replace the broken one. They also bought a bouquet of fresh flowers and a card. They apologised to their mother and promised to be careful the next time. Mother was pleased and forgave them.


Wednesday 9 March 2016

National Library Books

Dear parents,

Our class will be going to the school library as usual during our English period tomorrow, except that NLB has created a section of new books from NLB that the children borrow.

Please take note that:

1) The kids need to bring their ez-link card or NLB membership card to borrow the NLB books. 

2) NLB books have to be returned to any National Library, not the school library.

3) If your child has already reached quota for borrowing NLB books, or have any outstanding fines, they will not be able to borrow NLB books. 

Please help to advise your child if they can borrow the books tomorrow. Thank you!

Mrs Soh

Starting a story with speech/dialogue

Dear children,

We came up with phrases for our composition writing and looked at how some authors start their stories in the books that we read. Vanessa gave us a good example which I used as a sample.

*Someone had erased a word from our class paragraph. Can you find it?*

We will be working on the 2nd - 4th paragraphs tomorrow. See you!

Mrs Soh

Monday 7 March 2016

Writing a Story

We worked on our writing today. We watched a video and talked about the characters, setting, problem and resolution. 

We will be using this to link to our first composition writing of the year. It has a similar story line and we will work on it on Wednesday. Meanwhile, revise for your Mother Tongue test. See you soon!

Mrs Soh

Friday 4 March 2016

Common Nouns and Proper Nouns

Dear children,

We revised what common nouns and proper nouns are. Use these pictures to trigger your memory!

Remember that we have TR 2 for Maths on Monday. I didn't give any homework so that you can revise your work. All the best!

Mrs Soh

Edusave Standing Order form

Dear parents,

Please only fill in ONE of the two pages. This Edusave Standing Order option is for Singaporeans only. If you do not wish to establish this standing order, please fill in the 2nd page only.

Mrs Soh

Thursday 3 March 2016

Reflexive Pronouns

Dear children,

We learnt about reflexive pronouns and how we use them. This video is very detailed, I hope you can understand it better.

Remember that we have our English TR 1 tomorrow morning! Revise your work and all the best for your test!

Mrs Soh

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Improvement needed

Dear children,

Do go through the mistakes you have made in your comprehension practice test and get your parents to sign on it so that they can help to look through as well. Many of you still wrote in the wrong tense despite me going through the format just before the practice test. Not many of you passed it, the best score went to Dex, which was 9.5/10.

Remember to focus and put in more effort in your work. 2 Diligence can do it!

Mrs Soh