Thursday 1 September 2016

Task for September Holidays

Dear 2D,
Its the September holidays soon and while you spend time with your family members, do not forget to set aside some time to revise your work from the previous terms and prepare for Term 4. 

Below are some of the tasks that i would like you to complete.
1. Login to Ask and Learn and revise the STELLAR topics that we have done previously.
P2 English (Skills Based and Thematic)

2. Login to KooBits and revise the topics that have been covered. We will be doing TIME in Term 4 so do go through the online learning for TIME in Koobits.

3. If you have not downloaded SeeSaw please do so at home using a handphone or mobile device or laptop. We will be using it in Term 4. To join my class,open up SeeSaw and scan in the QR code below. Once you are in the class, upload a comment and say hi to everyone so that I know that you are able to log in.

4.For offline English work, a) complete Grammar WB p 106, 107 and 109 after reading the Grammar TB for the Chapter on Sentences.(read p199-208). b) Attempt the DARE TO READ missions with your parents.

5. For offline Math work, complete GUESS AND CHECK worksheet before school reopens.

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