Monday 29 February 2016

It's a Leap Year!

Dear children,

It just occurred to me after school that today is 29 February, and this date comes only once in 4 years! Today's also Dex's birthday, so it must be a really special day for him! I've included a video I found on Youtube that talks about Leap Years. It's a little fast so hope you can still understand it!

For today, we had our lessons as per usual, we went through our comprehension practice and I asked this question:

Can we use "Because" at the start of our sentence?

Sample Question: Why did Ailing help the old man?
Incomplete Answer: Because she was a kind girl. X
                                 It is because she was a kind girl. X
Explanation: These are not complete answers.

Complete answers look like this:

  • Ailing helped the old man because she was a kind girl.
  • Because Ailing was a kind girl, she helped the old man.
  • Ailing was a kind girl.

You can start your sentences with 'Because' only if you continue with the main clause.

I recommend that you go straight to the point and say that Ailing was a kind girl. You will still be able to get the full mark for that question.

Hope this clears things up!

Mrs Soh

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