Wednesday 3 February 2016

Reading Practice

Today, we focused on reading and we used a checklist while reading to our peers. These are the things we have to look out for when we want to read well.

Checklist for Reading Aloud

The reader is: ________________________        Class: 2D

The peer tester is: ____________________        Date: ___________________

Did the reader…
                                                                      Yes/No     Comments

…read aloud expressively?

…read aloud fluently without stopping for too long?

…read the word endings like ‘s’, ‘d’, ‘k’ and ‘t’?

…pronounce the words accurately?

…miss out any words?

Some pointers:

1. Read the passage with expression. Add emphasis by saying certain words louder or slower to add meaning to the words.


Look! (louder - it is an exclamation)
It looks like a GIGANTIC bird... (louder, adding meaning that it is really big)
It is so AMAZING...
can fly so HIGH in the air

2. Read the word endings. If the word is in past tense, remember to read the -ed and the -d. If the word ends with '-s', read it carefully too.


I loved the chicken rice.
His mother cooked for him.
She points to an aeroplane.
It looks like a gigantic bird.

3. Read 'the' correctly. If it comes before a vowel, read it as 'd'.


An aeroplane can fly so high in the air.
We always enjoy our visits to the airport.

We will have our assessment tomorrow. See you!

Mrs Soh

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