Monday 15 February 2016

Total Defence Day 2016

Dear children,

I think we did great for our first performance for the year! For some of us, it was our first time performing while for the others it was one of the many times on stage. Regardless of our experience, I hope we had all learnt something valuable from the experience, and that this shared experience will be a great and positive one for us.

Today, you will be able to hear the "Important Message" signal at 6.20 pm instead of the usual 12.05 pm. This is to mark the time when Singapore fell into the hands of the Japanese 74 years ago. Click on the picture below to go to the SCDF website to listen to the siren and to find out more.

You may also want to check out the Total Defence Website for the latest music video of the song, "There's a Part for Everyone".

:) Mrs Soh

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