Friday 12 February 2016

Total Defence Day Song + Actions



There's a part for everyone, in this land where we belong
There's a part for one and all, to keep our nation strong
Many things that we can do, to help defend our land
Let us all do what we can together hand in hand

Put your heart your mind your will to our defence
Put your heart your mind your will to our defence
If we all unite as one, we can defend our Singapore
With our heart, our mind, our will, forever more

What we have is worth defending
With a love that’s never failing
Always ready, strong and steady
Let’s heed the call, come one and all
There's a part for everyone, in this land where we belong
We can do it, you and I, we’ll keep our nation strong

Repeat CHORUS (x2)

Remember to be in your school uniform on Monday! We will meet in class before going to the hall so that we can line up in our positions. Try to remember the song and the actions by heart. If you cannot, don't worry I'll be there with you. :)

Mrs Soh

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