Monday 1 February 2016

Reading Assessment

Dear children,

There will be a reading assessment on Thursday and Friday. I have given out sample reading passages today, but please take note that these are not the actual passages to be tested. You will take turns to go out of the classroom to have your reading tested.

You will be tested on:

1. Pronunciation (to read clearly and no/few errors)
2. Expressiveness and Fluency (able to vary tone, pace and volume as required)

It will be a total of 6 marks.

Do remember to practise reading:

1) word endings (-s, -ing, -ed, -t)
2) 'the' to be read as 'D' when you see 'a, e, i, o, u'

I'll go through them with you tomorrow and Wednesday before the test. All the best!

Mrs Soh

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